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Deductive Reasoning
Owen left a tray of lemon cakes unattended in the staff room for an hour and one of the cakes went missing. Maggie, Susan and Mark have all been accused of eating the treat. After questing you learn that: Maggie is allergic to citrus but was seen leaving the staffroom at lunchtime Susan's favourite type of cake is lemon but wasn't seen anywhere near the staffroom Mark has stolen cakes from the staffroom before and more cakes have gone missing since Mark started. Who can you infer is most likely to have taken the lemon cake?
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Numerical Reasoning
If production of Grade B Wireless Headphones increased by 26% from 2022 to 2023, what would be the value of Grade B Wireless Headphones produced in 2023? Job Test Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Aptitude Test GB-JBT-MPT-DRPT-1660569671222 q2
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Deductive Reasoning
You arrive at an art fair with £100 in your pocket, hoping to leave with a nice painting to take home with you. As you walk around you start to take note of the prices of the works you have seen; £450, £2000, £500, £1500. Which of the following statements is the best example of an inductive argument?
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You probably won't be able to afford any of the paintings
The art is overpriced
You won't find a painting to take home with you
You'll find a painting you can afford if you keep looking


Numerical Reasoning
What was the total value of Grade A and C Wireless Headphones produced in 2019? Job Test Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Aptitude Test GB-JBT-MPT-DRPT-1660569671222 q1
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Verbal Reasoning
Psychotherapists recognize that the law is generally in place to uphold client-therapist confidentiality. However, there are situations that may occur where the therapist is under obligation to break that confidence. This obligation can vary depending upon where the therapist is practicing and it may occur as a result of their employment contract or of the law. Where such an issue does occur, the therapist is expected to firstly try and discuss the presenting issue with their client. However, in situations where the factors under consideration are particularly urgent, it is accepted that this cannot always be the case. Legitimate breaches of confidentiality relate to circumstances where the information the client has shared relates to acts of terrorism; information of this nature must be reported. There are other circumstances where breaching confidentiality may be considered legitimate, for example, in the case of serious crime or suspected child abuse. Individual employers and independent therapists have their own boundaries but must agree on this contractually with their clients at the outset of the therapeutic relationship. Being obliged to break confidentiality in a therapeutic relationship is always a direct result of the law.
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Cannot Tell


Civil Service Judgement practice test
You are working as a graduate trainee in a large bank. While undertaking your placement with the customer service team, you take a call from an upset client. He is claiming that he was expecting a refund on some banking fees he was wrongly charged for, but he has not received them yet. He explains that a colleague of yours promised the refund would be in his account today, but the money has not arrived. He is getting more upset and is raising his voice. What would you say to him?
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"I will do all I can to help you with this issue. If you give me your account details, I will investigate what has happened here."
"Let me check with the colleague you mentioned about what the situation is. If you can hold for a couple of minutes I will speak to them and will be back with you in no time."
"Sir, I can hear that you are really upset, but I need you to calm down so that I can help you."
"I am sure there is a logical explanation for this. If you give me your details I will look into it for you."


Deductive Reasoning
At a school, the classrooms are named Red Room, Blue Room, Yellow Room and Green Room. Which of the following statements is the best example of an inductive argument?
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There are 4 rooms in the school
The children in Red Room probably wear red clothes
All of the classrooms are probably named after colours
All of the above


Numerical Reasoning
What was the proportionate value of grade A to C grade Wireless Headphones produced in 2018? Job Test Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Aptitude Test GB-JBT-MPT-DRPT-1660569671222 q3
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Verbal Reasoning
Psychotherapists recognize that the law is generally in place to uphold client-therapist confidentiality. However, there are situations that may occur where the therapist is under obligation to break that confidence. This obligation can vary depending upon where the therapist is practicing and it may occur as a result of their employment contract or of the law. Where such an issue does occur, the therapist is expected to firstly try and discuss the presenting issue with their client. However, in situations where the factors under consideration are particularly urgent, it is accepted that this cannot always be the case. Legitimate breaches of confidentiality relate to circumstances where the information the client has shared relates to acts of terrorism; information of this nature must be reported. There are other circumstances where breaching confidentiality may be considered legitimate, for example, in the case of serious crime or suspected child abuse. Individual employers and independent therapists have their own boundaries but must agree on this contractually with their clients at the outset of the therapeutic relationship. When a client reports their involvement in an act of terrorism, their therapist is legally obliged to report this.
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Cannot Tell


Civil Service Judgement practice test
You recently submitted a paper to an upcoming professional conference that will be attended by many people from your industry and from universities globally. You have attended the conference in the past and you know it is highly regarded in the industry. The paper is a summary of some very complex research you have been undertaking with key findings that you believe people will find very interesting and useful. Upon learning that it has been accepted, your manager asks you to think about how you will present your findings in order to make the biggest impact. You only have a short time slot for your presentation. How would you respond?
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Say that you intend to use a lot of graphics and images to try and draw out a handful of key messages.
Say that you intend to create a presentation that mirrors the wider research paper that you wrote with similar section headers.
Ask your manager what they think would be the best approach to use based on their experience.
Say that you will spend a small amount of time introducing your approach to the research, but will mainly discuss your key findings and conclusions.
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The Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Aptitude Test Database and are the best way to prepare for any Deductive Reasoning Practice Test exam. The Deductive Reasoning Practice Test practice tests consist of 1178 questions divided by 4 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Deductive Reasoning Practice Test database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Deductive Reasoning Practice Test practice test . It is important to note that the Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Simulator does not replace the classic Deductive Reasoning Practice Test study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Deductive Reasoning Practice Test exam.


Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Aptitude Test practice test . Our Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Simulator and how our unique Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Database made up of real questions:

Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Deductive Reasoning Practice Test
  • Total number of questions:1178
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%
  • Number of topics:4 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
  • Civil Service Judgement practice test:226 Questions
  • Deductive Reasoning:10 Questions
  • Numerical Reasoning:399 Questions
  • Verbal Reasoning:543 Questions

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Our Mobile App contains all Deductive Reasoning Practice Test practice tests which consist of 1178 questions that are divided by 4 topics and also provide study material to pass the final Deductive Reasoning Practice Test exam with guaranteed success. Our Deductive Reasoning Practice Test database contain hundreds of questions and Aptitude Test Tests related to Deductive Reasoning Practice Test Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.