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Alignments and profiles - Create a surface profile
When creating a surface profile in Civil 3D, which tool is used to define the horizontal and vertical alignment?
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Alignments Tool
Profile View Tool
Corridor Tool
Layout Profile Tool


Corridors and sections - Create a corridor
In Autodesk Civil 3D, which tool is used to create a corridor?
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Corridor Wizard
Corridor Builder
Corridor Section
Corridor Design


Pipe networks - Create and label a pipe network
How can you create a pipe network in Civil 3D for infrastructure design?
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By drawing individual pipes manually
Through the Create Pipe Network tool
Importing from external software
Using the Analysis tab


Plan production and data management - Create a reference to a Data Shortcut
When creating a reference to a Data Shortcut in Civil 3D, what is the first step?
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Define the Data Shortcut settings in the project
Insert a Data Shortcut from the Prospector tab
Open the Data Shortcut Manager
Create a new Data Shortcut file


Points, parcels, and surveying - Create a parcel
In Autodesk Civil 3D, which command is used to create a parcel from existing objects?
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Parcel Build
Parcel Design
Parcel Creation
Parcel Layout


Surfaces and grading - Create and edit TIN surfaces and volume surfaces
What is the primary purpose of creating a TIN surface in Civil 3D for infrastructure design?
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To calculate cut and fill volumes
To visualize existing ground elevations
To design road alignments
To layout stormwater drainage systems


Corridors and sections - Create sections, create section views, and compute materials
In Civil 3D, what is the primary purpose of creating a corridor?
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To calculate material quantities for construction
To visualize and analyze proposed road designs
To design underground utilities
To import geographic data for site planning


Plan production and data management - Identify when to use a Data Shortcut or an External Reference
What is the purpose of using data shortcuts in Civil 3D?
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To save disk space by referencing external data
To collaborate more efficiently with team members
To customize the user interface for better usability
To create visual representations of infrastructure designs


Points, parcels, and surveying - Create and modify parcel styles and annotations
In Autodesk Civil 3D, which tool is used to create parcels for land development projects?
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Parcel Creation Wizard
Parcel Builder
Parcelize Tool
Parcel Design Assistant


Surfaces and grading - Identify key characteristics of surfaces
In Autodesk Civil 3D, which method is used to create surfaces?
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Contour Lines
Point Cloud Data
Survey Data
All of the above
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Grazie per aver scelto la versione free del Quiz Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test! Approfondisci ulteriormente le tue conoscenze con i nostri Simulatori Autodesk; Sbloccando la versione completa del nostro Simulatore Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test potrai effettuare test e quiz con oltre 510 domande sempre aggiornate e superare facilmente la tua prove d’esame. Il 98% di persone che si sono esercitate con le nostre 510 domande hanno superato l'esame al primo tentativo.


Cosa aspettarsi dal nostro Simulatore Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test e come prepararsi a qualsiasi quiz Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test?

I Test pratici di Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test fanno parte della Banca Dati Autodesk e rappresentano il modo migliore per prepararsi a qualsiasi esame per Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test. I quiz sono composti da 510 domande divise per 25 argomenti e sono scritti da esperti per aiutarvi e prepararvi a raggiungere l’obiettivo di superare l’esame al primo tentativo. La banca dati per Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test include domande apparse in esami precedenti e non solo, il che significa che sarete in grado di esercitarvi simulando le domande passate e future. La preparazione al Test Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test vi offrirà anche un’idea del tempo necessario per completare ogni sezione del Quiz Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test. È importante notare che il Simulatore Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test non sostituisce le classiche guide Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test di studio; tuttavia, il Simulatore fornisce indicazioni preziose su cosa aspettarsi e su quanto lavoro occorra fare per prepararsi all'esame Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test.


I Quiz Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test rappresentano quindi un ottimo strumento per prepararsi all’esame vero e proprio assieme ai nostri Quiz Autodesk. I nostri test ti aiuteranno a valutare il tuo livello di preparazione e a comprendere i tuoi punti di forza e debolezza. Di seguito potrai leggere tutti i quiz che troverai nel nostro Simulatore Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test e come è composta la nostra unica Banca Dati Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test fatta di domande vere e reali:

Info quiz:

  • Nome del quiz:Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test
  • Numero totale di domande:510
  • Numero di domande per il test:50
  • Punteggio di superamento:80%
  • Numero di argomenti:25 argomenti
Argomenti di studio:Numero di domande:
  • Alignments and profiles - Create a surface profile:20 domande
  • Alignments and profiles - Create and modify a profile:20 domande
  • Alignments and profiles - Create and modify alignments:20 domande
  • Alignments and profiles - Create profile views:20 domande
  • Corridors and sections - Create a corridor:20 domande
  • Corridors and sections - Create objects from a corridor:20 domande
  • Corridors and sections - Create sections, create section views, and compute materials:20 domande
  • Pipe networks - Create and label a pipe network:20 domande
  • Pipe networks - Create and label a pressure network:20 domande
  • Plan production and data management - Create a reference to a Data Shortcut:20 domande
  • Plan production and data management - Create Note label styles:30 domande
  • Plan production and data management - Create view frames and sheets:20 domande
  • Plan production and data management - Identify when to use a Data Shortcut or an External Reference:20 domande
  • Points, parcels, and surveying - Create a parcel:20 domande
  • Points, parcels, and surveying - Create and modify parcel styles and annotations:20 domande
  • Points, parcels, and surveying - Create and use Point Groups to control point display:20 domande
  • Points, parcels, and surveying - Create points using the point creation methods:20 domande
  • Points, parcels, and surveying - Modify point appearance and properties:20 domande
  • Points, parcels, and surveying - Understand the Civil 3D surveying tools:20 domande
  • Surfaces and grading - Create and edit TIN surfaces and volume surfaces:20 domande
  • Surfaces and grading - Create and modify feature lines:20 domande
  • Surfaces and grading - Create and modify sites and grading models:20 domande
  • Surfaces and grading - Create surface labels:20 domande
  • Surfaces and grading - Identify examples of surface analysis:20 domande
  • Surfaces and grading - Identify key characteristics of surfaces:20 domande

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L’applicazione mobile contiene tutte i Quiz Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test per un totale di 510 domande divisi per 25 argomenti e fornirà il materiale di studio per superare l’esame finale con un successo garantito. Le nostre Banche Dati Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test contengono centinaia di domande relative all'Esame Autodesk Certified Professional in Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design Test e ai Test Autodesk. In questo modo sarà possibile esercitarsi quando e dove volete anche in modalità offline.