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Human performance
What is the term used to describe the mental processes and skills that individuals use during everyday tasks?
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Cognitive abilities
Emotional intelligence
Physical strength
Communication skills


Flight Basics: Aircraft
What is the purpose of an aircraft's ailerons?
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To control pitch
To control roll
To control yaw
To control altitude


Oxygen Systems
One of the most significant dangers related to the use of the on-board oxygen system is that...
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the oxygen, in contact with oil or grease, causes a chemical reaction that can lead to spontaneous combustion
at high altitude and low surrounding atmospheric pressure, the debit flow of the oxygen is insufficient for normal respiration
after maintenance, there is always a remainder of lubricant (e.g. oil or grease) in the oxygen lines, producing toxic gases
fungus can grow in the oxygen lines because of the high humidity of the on-board environment


Flight Controls
Consider the following situation, the rudder ratio limiter of an aircraft gets stuck in high-speed/high altitude mode when decelerating for the approach. Which of the following statements is correct?
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Increased maximum operating speed
Reduced crosswind limitation
A greater flap setting will be required
Greater rudder authority during approach


Turbine Engines
Consider a jet engine whose control is based on the Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR): with a constant EPR, the thrust decreases when the altitude increaseswith a constant EPR, the thrust is independent of the Mach numberAt same environmental conditions, a given EPR setting maintains the thrust irrespective of engine wear due to ageing.the EPR is determined by the total pressure difference between the turbine outlet and the compressor inlet on take-off, in the event of icing not detected by the crew, the indicated EPR is lower than the real EPRThe combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
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1, 5
1, 3
2, 3, 4
3, 4, 5


Protection And Detection Systems
If the two loops of an engine fire detection system detect a low resistance and a low capacity:
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1 correct answer
the loops are faulty
the engine is on fire
everything is normal
the system is under test


Piston Engines
An intercooler fitted between a supercharger and the inlet manifold will...
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reduce the mass flow through the engine
increase the combustion temperature
reduce pre-ignition
minimise the risk of detonation


A lithium-ion battery is most unsafe when the battery...
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has an internal short circuit
is charged rapidly
has a very low charge
is discharged quickly


Landing Gear, Wheels, Tyres, Brakes
A helicopter is equipped with a retractable undercarriage. What happens if the pilot selects UP with the landing gear lever when the helicopter is still on the ground?
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1 correct answer
The landing gear starts to retract even with the ground safety pin installed
Only those wheels without a microswitch contact will retract
If the ground safety pin has also been removed, the landing gear starts to retract
As long as the helicopter remains on the ground the landing gear retraction process is inhibited


Why is it important to remove hydraulic fluid that has spilled onto the aircraft as soon as possible?
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1 correct answer
To minimise environmental damage
To prevent skin corrosion
To reduce friction drag
To protect against lightning strikes
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LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Practice test unlocks all online simulator questions

Thank you for choosing the free version of the LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam practice test! Further deepen your knowledge on LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test Simulator; by unlocking the full version of our LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Simulator you will be able to take tests with over 3732 constantly updated questions and easily pass your exam. 98% of people pass the exam in the first attempt after preparing with our 3732 questions.


What to expect from our LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam practice tests and how to prepare for any exam?

The LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Simulator Practice Tests are part of the LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test Database and are the best way to prepare for any LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam exam. The LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam practice tests consist of 3732 questions divided by 33 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam practice test . It is important to note that the LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Simulator does not replace the classic LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam exam.


LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test practice test . Our LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Simulator and how our unique LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Database made up of real questions:

Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam
  • Total number of questions:3732
  • Number of questions for the test:100
  • Pass score:70%
  • Number of topics:33 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
  • Air Masses And Fronts:130 Questions
  • Airframe:46 Questions
  • Anti-icing And De-icing Systems:22 Questions
  • ATC Procedures:40 Questions
  • Aviation Law:40 Questions
  • Basics of Navigation:434 Questions
  • Climatology:85 Questions
  • Clouds And Fog:143 Questions
  • Communication:40 Questions
  • Electrics:166 Questions
  • Flight Basics: Aircraft:40 Questions
  • Flight Controls:80 Questions
  • Flight Hazards:149 Questions
  • Flight performance and planning:40 Questions
  • Fuel System:56 Questions
  • General Requirements:639 Questions
  • Human performance:40 Questions
  • Hydraulics:49 Questions
  • Landing Gear, Wheels, Tyres, Brakes:73 Questions
  • Meteorological Information:176 Questions
  • Oxygen Systems:39 Questions
  • Piston Engines:144 Questions
  • Pneumatics - Pressurisation And Air-conditioning Systems:37 Questions
  • Precipitation:31 Questions
  • Pressure Systems:62 Questions
  • Protection And Detection Systems:37 Questions
  • Special Operational Procedures And Hazards (General Aspects):164 Questions
  • Specialised Operations:10 Questions
  • System Design, Loads, Stresses, Maintenance:60 Questions
  • The Atmosphere:208 Questions
  • Thermodynamics:33 Questions
  • Turbine Engines:204 Questions
  • Wind:215 Questions

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Our Mobile App contains all LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam practice tests which consist of 3732 questions that are divided by 33 topics and also provide study material to pass the final LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam exam with guaranteed success. Our LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam database contain hundreds of questions and LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test Tests related to LAPL (H) - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence for Helicopters Practice Exam Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.