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Air Law - Aerodromes
Refer to figure. For the attached approach lighting system, ​​​​​​the lights forming the centre line shall be placed at longitudinal intervals of… License PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam PPL - Private Pilot License Test US-LCN-PPP-PPPL-1714464663467 411634
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30 m
45 m
900 m
620 m


Air Law - Aircraft Operations
To what shall the calculated transition altitude be rounded up?
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600 m (2000 ft)
100 m (328 ft)
150 m (500 ft)
300 m (1000 ft)


Air Law - International Law: Conventions, Agreements And Organisations
Who must be informed if there are any law enforcement officers, who carry weapons, are on board?
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The operator is notified as to the number of armed persons and their seat location.
The pilot-in-command is notified as to the number of armed persons and their seat location.
The pilot-in-command is notified as to the number of armed persons.
The operator is notified as to the number of armed persons.


Air Law - Rules Of The Air
What is the meaning of red pyrotechnic from an airfield to an aircraft flying next to this airfield?
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Give way to other aircraft in emergency.
Notwithstanding any previous instructions, do not land for the time being.
The aircraft must not land because the airport is not available for landing.
Give way to other aircraft and continue circling.


Air Law - Security
Each Contracting State shall take appropriate measures for the safety of passengers and crew of an aircraft which is subjected to an act of unlawful interference, while on the ground in the territory of the Contracting State…
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until their journey can be continued.
and must arrange for the passengers and crew to be returned to their country of origin.
during a period of investigation.
if this is requested by any individual passengers.


Air Law - Air Traffic Services (ATS) And Air Traffic Management (ATM)
The pilots have received clearance to taxi to the holding point of Runway 27. The current weather conditions are favorable, with clear skies and a clean runway that is free from contaminants. However, Runway 27 presents a slight 4 kt tailwind, while Runway 04 is slightly more advantageous. In light of this situation, what options are available to the pilots?
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Take-off RWY 27 and file a incident report.
Request RWY 04 and file a incident report.
Request RWY 04 which will be granted immediately.
Take-off RWY 27 or request RWY 04 and wait.


Air Law - Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)
Take-off distance available (TODA) is the length of the…
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runway available plus the length of provided clearway.
take-off run available plus the length of provided stopway.
take-off run available plus the length of provided clearway.
take-off run available plus the length of provided stopway and clearway.


Air Law - Facilitation
Who shall require each airport serving civil aviation to establish, implement and maintain a written airport security programme appropriate to meet the requirements of the national civil aviation security programme?
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Each Contracting State.
Air Traffic Services.


Air Law - Personnel Licensing
A holder of a PPL wishing to obtain a Night Rating must complete a training course in accordance with the Aircrew Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as amended). Once completed the additional privileges he/she may exercise are for...
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VFR conditions at night.
both IFR and VFR conditions during both day and night.
only special VFR conditions at night.
IFR conditions at night.


Air Law - Aircraft Accident And Incident Investigation
According to the collection and storage policy of EU regulation No. 376/2014, the operator should designate one or more persons that collects all the reports…
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And will conduct the investigation of accidents and serious incidents with a third-party member state. But mainly the voluntary reporting occurrences.
And will evaluate, process, analyze and store them while taking all the necessary measures to safeguard the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter.
And will evaluate them while taking all the necessary measures to safeguard the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter.
And will evaluate, process, analyze and store them.
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The PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Simulator Practice Tests are part of the PPL - Private Pilot License Test Database and are the best way to prepare for any PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam exam. The PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam practice tests consist of 7578 questions divided by 65 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam practice test . It is important to note that the PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Simulator does not replace the classic PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam exam.


PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our PPL - Private Pilot License Test practice test . Our PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Simulator and how our unique PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Database made up of real questions:

Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam
  • Total number of questions:7578
  • Number of questions for the test:100
  • Pass score:80%
  • Number of topics:65 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Airframe:46 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Anti-icing And De-icing Systems:22 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Electrics:164 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Flight Controls:80 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Fuel System:56 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Hydraulics:49 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Landing Gear, Wheels, Tyres, Brakes:73 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Oxygen Systems:39 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Piston Engines:143 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Pneumatics - Pressurisation And Air-conditioning Systems:37 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Protection And Detection Systems:37 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - System Design, Loads, Stresses, Maintenance:59 Questions
  • Aeronautics - General Knowledge - Turbine Engines:204 Questions
  • Air Law - Aerodromes:151 Questions
  • Air Law - Aeronautical Information Service (AIS):64 Questions
  • Air Law - Air Traffic Services (ATS) And Air Traffic Management (ATM):191 Questions
  • Air Law - Aircraft Accident And Incident Investigation:35 Questions
  • Air Law - Aircraft Operations:229 Questions
  • Air Law - Airworthiness Of Aircraft, Aircraft Nationality And Registration Marks:15 Questions
  • Air Law - Facilitation:34 Questions
  • Air Law - International Law: Conventions, Agreements And Organisations:94 Questions
  • Air Law - Personnel Licensing:69 Questions
  • Air Law - Rules Of The Air:138 Questions
  • Air Law - Search And Rescue:18 Questions
  • Air Law - Security:31 Questions
  • Communications - Concepts:106 Questions
  • Communications - Distress and Urgency Procedures:35 Questions
  • Communications - General Operating Procedures:511 Questions
  • Communications - Other Communications:15 Questions
  • Communications - Relevant Weather Information:29 Questions
  • Communications - Voice Communication Failure:41 Questions
  • Flight Performance and Planning - Flight Monitoring And In-flight Replanning:56 Questions
  • Flight Performance and Planning - Flight Planning For IFR Flights:277 Questions
  • Flight Performance and Planning - Flight Planning For VFR Flights:170 Questions
  • Flight Performance and Planning - Fuel Planning:286 Questions
  • Flight Performance and Planning - ICAO Flight Plan (ATS Flight Plan):62 Questions
  • Flight Performance and Planning - Pre-flight Preparation:92 Questions
  • Human Performance and Limitations - Basic Aviation Psychology:248 Questions
  • Human Performance and Limitations - Basics Of Aviation Physiology And Health Maintenance:432 Questions
  • Human Performance and Limitations - Human Factors: Basic Concepts:122 Questions
  • Meteorology - Air Masses And Fronts:130 Questions
  • Meteorology - Climatology:85 Questions
  • Meteorology - Clouds And Fog:142 Questions
  • Meteorology - Flight Hazards:148 Questions
  • Meteorology - Meteorological Information:174 Questions
  • Meteorology - Precipitation:31 Questions
  • Meteorology - Pressure Systems:61 Questions
  • Meteorology - The Atmosphere:207 Questions
  • Meteorology - Thermodynamics:33 Questions
  • Meteorology - Wind:213 Questions
  • Navigation - Basics of Navigation:431 Questions
  • Navigation - Charts:103 Questions
  • Navigation - Great Circles And Rhumb Lines:63 Questions
  • Navigation - Time:3 Questions
  • Operational Procedures - General Requirements:632 Questions
  • Operational Procedures - Special Operational Procedures And Hazards (General Aspects):159 Questions
  • Operational Procedures - Specialised Operations:3 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - Control:50 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - Flight Mechanics:50 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - High-speed Aerodynamics:50 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - Limitations:50 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - Propellers:50 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - Stability:50 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - Stall, Mach Tuck, And Upset Prevention And Recovery:50 Questions
  • Principles of Flight - Subsonic Aerodynamics:50 Questions

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Our Mobile App contains all PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam practice tests which consist of 7578 questions that are divided by 65 topics and also provide study material to pass the final PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam exam with guaranteed success. Our PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam database contain hundreds of questions and PPL - Private Pilot License Test Tests related to PPL (A) - Private Pilot License for Aeroplanes Practice Exam Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.