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Abductive reasoning
Which of the following is an example of abductive reasoning?
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1 bonne réponse
Some birds can fly. Penguins cannot fly, therefore not all birds can fly.
All men are mortal. Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal.
If it rains, the ground will be wet. The ground is wet, therefore it rained.
None of the above.


Argument analysis
Read the following passage carefully - Some people believe that the government should provide free healthcare to everyone. They argue that healthcare is a basic human right, and that everyone should have access to it regardless of their income level. Others, however, argue that free healthcare would be too expensive and would lead to longer wait times for medical procedures. They believe that individuals should be responsible for their own healthcare costs. Which of the following statements best represents the main argument against providing free healthcare to everyone?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
Everyone should have access to healthcare regardless of their income level.
Healthcare is a basic human right.
Free healthcare would be too expensive.
People should take care of their own healthcare costs.


Deductive reasoning
Passage: Five people applied for the position of marketing manager. Candidate A has a degree in marketing and five years of experience in the field. Candidate B has a degree in finance and two years of experience in marketing. Candidate C has a degree in business administration and ten years of experience in the field. Candidate D has no formal education but has worked as a marketer for fifteen years. Candidate E has a degree in psychology and one year of experience in marketing. What can be inferred about candidate A?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
Has a degree in business administration
Has five years of experience in marketing
Has no formal education
Has a degree in finance


Evaluation of Arguments
Read the following passage and answer the question that follows: "Studies have shown that drinking green tea can improve brain function and increase mental alertness. Therefore, we should all start drinking green tea regularly." What type of argument is being made in this passage?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
Deductive argument
Inductive argument
Fallacious argument
Hypothetical argument


Inductive reasoning
A survey conducted by a company found that people who drink coffee in the morning are more productive at work. Which of the following can be inferred from this survey result?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
People who don't drink coffee in the morning are not productive.
Drinking coffee every day will make you productive.
There is a correlation between drinking coffee in the morning and productivity.
Drinking coffee in the morning is the only way to become productive at work.


Inference Passage: John has applied for a job in a marketing firm. He has a master's degree in marketing, 5 years of experience in the field, and excellent communication skills. The company is looking for someone with these exact qualifications. What can be inferred from the passage?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
John will definitely get the job.
John's communication skills are not important for the job.
John meets the qualifications for the job.
John does not have enough experience for the job.


Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage? Passage: A recent study found that people who ate more fruits and vegetables had a lower risk of developing heart disease than those who consumed less produce. The study followed over 10,000 participants for five years and recorded their diets and any heart-related health issues they experienced during that time. The results showed that those who ate at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day had a 20% lower risk of developing heart disease compared to those who ate less than three servings per day.
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
Eating fruits and vegetables is the only way to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
The study followed participants for one year.
Eating less than three servings of fruits and vegetables per day has no impact on the risk of developing heart disease.
People who eat more than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day have a higher risk of developing heart disease.


Recognising Assumptions
Which of the following is an assumption in the statement "All birds can fly"?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
All birds that can fly have feathers.
No bird can swim.
All animals that can fly are birds.
Birds have wings.


Abductive reasoning
When using abductive reasoning, what should be considered while creating explanations?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
Circular reasoning
Occam's Razor
None of the above
Logical fallacies


Argument analysis
Suppose you are reading an article about climate change. The author writes, "Climate change is a complex issue that requires a combination of individual action and government policy to solve." Which of the following is the author's main argument?
Sélectionnez la réponse
1 bonne réponse
Climate change is a complex issue.
Climate change can only be solved by government policy.
A combination of individual action and government policy is necessary to solve climate change.
Climate change is caused by individual actions.
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Le test pratique Critical Reasoning Test (Anglaise) représente donc un excellent outil pour se préparer à l'examen réel avec notre test pratique Test d'embauche. Notre simulateur Critical Reasoning Test (Anglaise) vous aidera à évaluer votre niveau de préparation et à comprendre vos points forts et vos points faibles. Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les quiz que vous trouverez dans notre simulateur Critical Reasoning Test (Anglaise) et comment notre base de données Critical Reasoning Test (Anglaise) unique est composée de questions réelles :

Info quiz :

  • Nom du quiz :Critical Reasoning Test (Anglaise)
  • Nombre total de questions :240
  • Nombre de questions pour le test :40
  • Score de passage:80%
  • Nombre de sujets: 8 Sujets
Sujets d'étude :Nombre de questions :
  • Abductive reasoning:30 Questions
  • Argument analysis:30 Questions
  • Deductive reasoning:30 Questions
  • Evaluation of Arguments:30 Questions
  • Inductive reasoning:30 Questions
  • Inference:30 Questions
  • Interpretation:30 Questions
  • Recognising Assumptions:30 Questions

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