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The following passage is from a biography of Nobel Prize-winning author Patrick White. For a time Patrick White credited a Romanian crank in the Sydney suburbs with saving his life. Dr Herman Morgenstern was treating his asthma with calcium injections and long sessions under blue lights. The results seemed miraculous. One afternoon in April 1958, White turned up at the Romanian's surgery wanting a little something to help him through the ordeal he faced that evening. Morgenstern gave him a pill and lift to Martin Place, where White was to be given the Miles Franklin Award for Voss. "As it was the first time awarded," he wrote to his friends David and Gwen Moore, "the bull1 that went with it was most alarming".
Among the television cameras and literary bores gathered at the ceremony was the Prime Minister, Bob Menzies. Genial, huge with the dewlaps2 of a sea lion, Menzies had been prime minister for a decade. White's late, radical reputation might suggest this meeting was fraught with difficulty … Not at all. Though White had toyed with revolution during the war, such ideas had died on his return home. Revolutions were for elsewhere but not for Australia. Once settled in Sarsaparilla3 with his vegetables and dogs, the conservative instincts of his family reasserted themselves.
bull: nonsense, dewlaps: loose skin on the throat, Sarsaparilla: White's farm near Sydney
For White, life at Sarsaparilla was
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dull and provincial.
lived at a frantic pace.
unpredictable and chaotic.
ordered and predictable.


The following information is about an American legal case over whether a deed granting rights to 'minerals' beneath a property in Pennsylvania entitled the deed-holders to gas as well. The property sits above a shale-rock formation. Commercial drilling for the gas trapped within the formation began in 2008. There are now nearly 9000 shale-gas wells in the state of Pennsylvania.
1 John and Mary Butler owned a property in Pennsylvania, which their predecessors had acquired from Charles Powers in 1881. In 2009, the Butlers went to court to 'quiet' a right specified in their 1881 deed of ownership that entitled Charles Powers's heirs to 'one half the minerals and petroleum oils' beneath the property. No heir had ever exercised the right.
2 After they were located, Charles Powers's heirs opposed the Butlers' action, claiming that their right under the deed should entitle them to half of any gas extracted from the shale (a mineral) beneath the Butlers' property.
3 The court dismissed the heirs' claim. The court relied on the precedent set by Dunham v. Kirkpatrick (1882) in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Under the 'Dunham Rule', a deed reserving 'minerals' does not include rights to oil or gas unless these terms are specifically mentioned.
4 Charles Powers's heirs appealed to a superior court, arguing that courts in other US states treated 'mineral' rights as including oil and gas. They also pointed to a 1983 Pennsylvania Supreme Court judgement in US Steel Corp v. Hoge, which found that whoever owned the coal owned the gas within it. The deed held by US Steel specified its rights to coal. The heirs believed that this judgement supported their claim: if they half-owned the minerals (shale) beneath the Butlers' property, they also half-owned the gas in it. The superior court ordered that the case return to the lower court for it to consider the heirs' new arguments.
5 The Butlers immediately appealed to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court against the superior court's decision. In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled in their favour by upholding the Dunham Rule. In the court's judgement, one judge wrote: 'I find the original rationale for the Dunham Rule to be cryptic, conclusory and highly debatable. Nevertheless, since Dunham has effectively served to establish a governing rule of property law in Pennsylvania for over a century, too many settled expectations rest upon it for the courts to upset it retroactively.'
John and Mary Butler sought to 'quiet' a right specified in their deed of land ownership (Box 1). By doing this they wanted to
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confirm the right.
apply the right.
override the right.
acquire the right.


The following passage is from an article in which the author recounts his interest in ports and shipping. A merchant navy is a country's fleet of vessels that carry goods for trade.
On the whole I am thankful I never sought my living on the high seas, and especially not in the British merchant navy which over a few decades has shrunk from dominating the world to impersonating a ghost. I am glad to have taken my chance once, back in the Sixties, when I hitched a lift on a Hapag-Lloyd cargo ship, the Hilde Mittmann out of Hamburg, and worked my passage up the Amazon to Manaos1 by scrubbing down the engine room bulkheads. I fear this sort of casual travel would be almost impossible these days, what with unionised crewing and the security regulations of marine insurance companies. That, too, tarnishes some of the sea's romantic gleam.
I am snobbishly out of tune with the idea of cruise ships, floating pleasure palaces of hideous and unnautical design, which may nonetheless restore the fortunes of the world's more photogenic ports. They roll down to Rio, all right, though not much up to Calcutta or Vladivostok. Anyway, cruising is not the same as travel, which no matter how dreamily undertaken is nevertheless full of intent. The whole point of cruising seems to be that of distraction: of diverting attention at all times away from anything as humdrum as a journey and on to bars, restaurants, casinos, saunas, gyms, discos and the other beguilements of city life, until there is no obvious reason for being afloat.
One of the reasons I like to return to the village beside the South China Sea that I have known for over 20 years is because it enables me still to fight my way on and off decrepit inter-island vessels in ports that Conrad2 would recognise. Another is that it holds echoes of an old order. This is no colonialist nostalgia but a purely maritime one. At dusk it is possible to glimpse silent youths sitting on the beach staring pensively towards the last gaudy rags of a tropical sunset. I do not have to invent a wistful look in their eyes. From daily conversation it is obvious they are rehearsing the fabulous possibilities that surely await them as soon as they are old enough and qualified enough to set sail from their impoverished archipelago and go adventuring at large on the oceans of the world. As Filipinos they will be joining the greatest single diaspora3 of merchant seamen, so their dreams are by no means pure fantasy.
1 Manaos: a city in northern Brazil
2 Conrad: Joseph Conrad, a Polish-British writer (1857-1924) whose fiction was influenced by his experiences as a merchant sailor
3 diaspora: a group that has been dispersed outside its traditional homeland
On the subject of cruise ships (lines 9‒12), the author
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1 bonne réponse
exaggerates for comic effect.
is mostly negative.
acknowledges that he is of the wrong generation to judge them.
has nothing positive to say.


In its waste management program, a local council collects three types of waste: general rubbish, recyclable materials and green waste. Only one type of waste is collected each week.
The 52 weeks of the year are numbered, in order. Waste is collected according to the following schedule:
If the week is a multiple of four, recyclable materials are collected.
If the week is a multiple of three but not a multiple of four, green waste is collected.
On all other weeks, only general rubbish is collected.
From the start of the year, when green waste has been collected five times, how many times has general rubbish been collected?
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seven times
ten times
eight times
nine times


In its waste management program, a local council collects three types of waste: general rubbish, recyclable materials and green waste. Only one type of waste is collected each week.
The 52 weeks of the year are numbered, in order. Waste is collected according to the following schedule:
If the week is a multiple of four, recyclable materials are collected.
If the week is a multiple of three but not a multiple of four, green waste is collected.
On all other weeks, only general rubbish is collected.
Which of the following correctly describes the schedule for weeks 30 to 33?
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(week 30) green waste, (week 31) general rubbish, (week 32) recyclable materials, (week 33) green waste
(week 30) green waste, (week 31) general rubbish, (week 32) general rubbish, (week 33) green waste
(week 30) recyclable materials, (week 31) general rubbish, (week 32) general rubbish, (week 33) green waste
(week 30) general rubbish, (week 31) general rubbish, (week 32) green waste, (week 33) recyclable materials


In its waste management program, a local council collects three types of waste: general rubbish, recyclable materials and green waste. Only one type of waste is collected each week.
The 52 weeks of the year are numbered, in order. Waste is collected according to the following schedule:
If the week is a multiple of four, recyclable materials are collected.
If the week is a multiple of three but not a multiple of four, green waste is collected.
On all other weeks, only general rubbish is collected.
How many more times per year is general rubbish collected than green waste?
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In its waste management program, a local council collects three types of waste: general rubbish, recyclable materials and green waste. Only one type of waste is collected each week.
The 52 weeks of the year are numbered, in order. Waste is collected according to the following schedule:
If the week is a multiple of four, recyclable materials are collected.
If the week is a multiple of three but not a multiple of four, green waste is collected.
On all other weeks, only general rubbish is collected.
Which is the first week of the year in which green waste is collected in the week immediately after the collection of recyclable materials?
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week 4
week 16
week 9
week 21


The following passage is from a biography of Nobel Prize-winning author Patrick White. For a time Patrick White credited a Romanian crank in the Sydney suburbs with saving his life. Dr Herman Morgenstern was treating his asthma with calcium injections and long sessions under blue lights. The results seemed miraculous. One afternoon in April 1958, White turned up at the Romanian's surgery wanting a little something to help him through the ordeal he faced that evening. Morgenstern gave him a pill and lift to Martin Place, where White was to be given the Miles Franklin Award for Voss. "As it was the first time awarded," he wrote to his friends David and Gwen Moore, "the bull1 that went with it was most alarming".
Among the television cameras and literary bores gathered at the ceremony was Prime Minister, Bob Menzies. Genial, huge with the dewlaps2 of a sea lion, Menzies had been prime minister for a decade. White's late, radical reputation might suggest this meeting was fraught with difficulty … Not at all. Though White had toyed with revolution during the war, such ideas had died on his return home. Revolutions were for elsewhere but not for Australia. Once settled in Sarsaparilla3 with his vegetables and dogs, the conservative instincts of his family reasserted themselves.
bull: nonsense, dewlaps: loose skin on the throat, Sarsaparilla: White's farm near Sydney
Dr Morgenstern's treatment of White's asthma is depicted as
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negligent and the results coincidental.
groundbreaking and astounding.
conventional and the results anticipated.
unconventional and the results a surprise.


The following passage is from a biography of Nobel Prize-winning author Patrick White. For a time Patrick White credited a Romanian crank in the Sydney suburbs with saving his life. Dr Herman Morgenstern was treating his asthma with calcium injections and long sessions under blue lights. The results seemed miraculous. One afternoon in April 1958, White turned up at the Romanian's surgery wanting a little something to help him through the ordeal he faced that evening. Morgenstern gave him a pill and lift to Martin Place, where White was to be given the Miles Franklin Award for Voss. "As it was the first time awarded," he wrote to his friends David and Gwen Moore, "the bull1 that went with it was most alarming".
Among the television cameras and literary bores gathered at the ceremony was the Prime Minister, Bob Menzies. Genial, huge with the dewlaps2 of a sea lion, Menzies had been prime minister for a decade. White's late, radical reputation might suggest this meeting was fraught with difficulty … Not at all. Though White had toyed with revolution during the war, such ideas had died on his return home. Revolutions were for elsewhere but not for Australia. Once settled in Sarsaparilla3 with his vegetables and dogs, the conservative instincts of his family reasserted themselves.
bull: nonsense, dewlaps: loose skin on the throat, Sarsaparilla: White's farm near Sydney
The writer implies in the second paragraph that
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parents indoctrinate us.
we depend on our families for too long.
families shape our beliefs.
we like to live the way our parents did.


Si un cercle a un rayon de 5 cm, quelle est sa circonférence?
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10π cm
15π cm
25π cm
30π cm
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