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Changing and improving
You notice that a process within your team is not generating the expected results. What should you do?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Ignore the issue and hope it sorts itself out
Blame the team member responsible for the process
Discuss the issue with the team member responsible for the process and work together to improve the process
Take over the process yourself without discussing it with anyone


Communicating and influencing
You have a meeting with a potential client who has requested a discount. What should you do?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Provide the client with the discount they requested.
Explain that discounts are not available for this service.
Offer an alternative service at a discounted price.
Discuss the possibility of a discount with your supervisor.


Conflict resolution
You are a customer service representative and a customer is angry because their order was not delivered on time. What is the best way to resolve the conflict?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Tell the customer it's not your fault and hang up
Listen to the customer's concerns and offer a solution
Argue with the customer and refuse to help
Ignore the customer's calls and messages


Delivering at pace
You have been given a tight deadline to complete a project. What would you do?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Work alone and complete the project on your own.
Identify the critical tasks and allocate them to your team members, keeping in mind their strengths and weaknesses.
Request additional resources and personnel to complete the project.
Set an unrealistic timeline for the project to reduce the pressure.


Developing self and others
You notice that a team member is struggling to complete their tasks and their performance has been declining. What would you do?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Ignore the situation and hope they improve on their own.
Offer to help them with their tasks and provide additional support.
Criticize them for their poor performance and threaten disciplinary action.
Report them to upper management immediately.


You notice that one of your team members is struggling to meet their targets and deadlines. What would you do?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Ignore the issue as it is the team member's responsibility to manage their workload.
Talk to the team member privately to understand the reasons behind the struggle and offer support and guidance.
Publicly call out the team member for underperforming in front of the rest of the team.
Ask another team member to take on the struggling team member's workload.


Making effective decisions
You are a manager of a team and two of your employees are not meeting their targets. You have tried talking to them, but it has not worked. What should you do?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Fire the two employees
Offer training sessions to help improve performance
Do nothing as long as their pay is docked
Increase the workload of all employees


Managing a quality service
You are the manager of a call center that handles customer complaints. A team member has received a complaint about a faulty product but failed to log it into the system. What action should you take?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Allow the team member to handle the issue as they see fit
Discuss the importance of logging all complaints with the team member and implement a training program to avoid future mistakes
Ignore the issue as it is a small mistake and the team member will learn from it
Report the team member to higher management


You have three tasks to complete by the end of the day. Task A is important but not urgent, task B is urgent but not important, and task C is both important and urgent. What should you do first?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Complete task A first
Complete task B first
Complete task C first


Seeing the big picture
You are a team leader for a project and one of your team members is always missing important deadlines. What will you do?
Select the answer
1 correct answer
Talk to the team member and understand if there are any personal or professional issues affecting their work.
Assign some easier tasks to the team member to make them comfortable.
Ignore the situation and wait for the team member to improve their performance.
Complain to the senior management about the team member's poor performance.
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What to expect from our DWP Situational Judgement Test practice tests and how to prepare for any exam?

The DWP Situational Judgement Test Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Employment Practice Test Database and are the best way to prepare for any DWP Situational Judgement Test exam. The DWP Situational Judgement Test practice tests consist of 520 questions divided by 12 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The DWP Situational Judgement Test database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with DWP Situational Judgement Test Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the DWP Situational Judgement Test practice test . It is important to note that the DWP Situational Judgement Test Simulator does not replace the classic DWP Situational Judgement Test study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the DWP Situational Judgement Test exam.


DWP Situational Judgement Test Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Employment Practice Test practice test . Our DWP Situational Judgement Test Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our DWP Situational Judgement Test Simulator and how our unique DWP Situational Judgement Test Database made up of real questions:

Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:DWP Situational Judgement Test
  • Total number of questions:520
  • Number of questions for the test:36
  • Pass score:85%
  • Number of topics:12 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
  • Changing and improving:43 Questions
  • Communicating and influencing:43 Questions
  • Conflict resolution:43 Questions
  • Delivering at pace:43 Questions
  • Developing self and others:41 Questions
  • Leadership:43 Questions
  • Making effective decisions:44 Questions
  • Managing a quality service:44 Questions
  • Prioritization:44 Questions
  • Seeing the big picture:44 Questions
  • Stress management:44 Questions
  • Working together:44 Questions

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Our Mobile App contains all DWP Situational Judgement Test practice tests which consist of 520 questions that are divided by 12 topics and also provide study material to pass the final DWP Situational Judgement Test exam with guaranteed success. Our DWP Situational Judgement Test database contain hundreds of questions and Employment Practice Test Tests related to DWP Situational Judgement Test Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.