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Lingua inglese
Read the passage and complete the sentence or answer the related question on the basis of what is explicitly or implicitly stated in the text Text n. 51 The Polish education system has undergone many positive reforms in recent years, marking an overall improvement in the standard of education in the country. Education is compulsory for all children living in Poland aged between 7 and 18, including expats. Children attend kindergarten from the age of around 3 or 5; it is compulsory to attend at least one year of formal education before entering the first grade of Primary School no later than the age of 7. Primary School (Szkola Podstawowa) is from grade 1 to 6, when students turn 13. This is followed by Lower Secondary School (Gymnazium) for three years (grade 7 to 9). After this, students have the option to attend one of a number of different types of Secondary Schools: • three-year general High School; • four-year technical High School: • or three-year vocational High School. At the end of each level of schooling, students take examinations to determine their strengths and weaknesses, and the particular school that they will attend in the next level. A typical school day in Poland runs from 8.45 a.m. to 2.45 p.m. Due to large volumes of students, some institutes may run the school day in two shifts: one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. The school week is from Monday to Friday and the school year runs from September to June. The three major holiday seasons are over Christmas and Easter, and a winter break in late January/early February. In Poland, the majority of children attend “state” or “public schools”. Tuition is free for all children attending public schools, including foreign children. However, this does not include the additional costs of textbooks, school uniforms, lunches, general stationery, and school supplies, which parents will have to pay. Admission to public schools is determined by where a child lives. Schools are required to accept all children residing in their territorial catchment area. Children are not obliged to attend their nearest school, however, and parents can request that their child be allowed to attend another school outside of their residential area. In such cases, it is up to the director of the school to determine whether the child will be accepted or not. The language of instruction at public schools is Polish. There are also a number of schools catering for minority groups and which have instruction in other languages, such as Kashubian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian. Private Primary and Secondary Education is relatively new in Poland, having only been introduced in the late 1980s. “Private” or “non-state schools” are partly funded by the government, and partly by fees and donations by parents and other organizations, such as religious orders. Many private schools are run by religious or social organizations. The language of instruction in these schools is generally Polish, or a minority language. They are independent of the government and not restricted to following the national curriculum. Fees at private schools can be quite high. There are a number of International Schools in Poland, catering for numerous nationalities, including American, British, German, French, Italian, and Japanese. Most International Schools are based in Warsaw or Krakow, and there are also a handful in Poznan and Wroclaw. While most of the schools follow the curriculum of their home country, some also offer the International Baccalaureate Programme. Places at International Schools may be limited and expat parents, therefore, need to plan well in advance when making arrangements for their child's education. Consideration should also be given to the cost of education at International Schools, which doesn't come cheap; tuition can exceed 65,000 PLN per year. Which of the following does not fund Polish public schools?
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foreign investors
parents of pupils through donations and fees


Competenze didattiche metodologiche
La "casa dei bambini" di Maria Montessori è concepita:
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per adattare spazio e arredi alle esigenze dei bambini e stimolare i loro apprendimenti
per facilitare l'attività didattica degli insegnamenti
senza una precisa organizzazione, per incentivare l'improvvisazione come metodo educativo
per limitare le possibilità di interazione del bambino con l'ambiente circostante
;;per accogliere solo bambini normodotati


Scienze Motorie e Sportive
Chi è considerato l'inventore delle moderne macchine per il fitness?
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1 risposta corretta
Thomas Arnold
Dudley Allen Sargent
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Charles Beck


Lingua inglese
First read the passage, then complete the sentence or answer the question that follow on the basis of what is explicitly stated in the text rather than on the basis of the knowledge you may have of the issue Text n. 8 I was born in 1927, the only child of middle-class parents. I was sent to a public school, I wasted two years doing my national service, I went to Oxford; and there I began to discover I was not the person I wanted to be. I had long before made the discovery that I lacked the parents and ancestors I needed. My father was, through being the right age at the right time rather than through any great professional talent, a senior army officer; and my mother was the very model of a would-be major-general's wife. That is, she never argued with him and always behaved as if he were listening in the next room, even when he was thousands of miles away. Like all men not really up to their job, he was a stickler for externals and petty quotidian things; and in lieu of an intellect he had accumulated an armory of capitalized key-words like 'discipline', 'tradition', and 'responsibility'. If I ever dared - I seldom did - to argue with him, he would produce one of these totem words and cosh me with it as no doubt in similar circumstances he coshed his subordinates. If one still refused to lie down and die, he lost, or loosed, his temper. His temper was like a violent red dog, and he always had it close to hand. During my last years at school, I realized that what was really wrong with my parents was that they had nothing but a blanket contempt for the sort of life I wanted to lead. I was 'good' at English - I had poems printed pseudonymously in the school magazine. I thought D.H. Lawrence the greatest human being of the century. My parents had certainly never read Lawrence, and probably never heard of him. There were things, a certain emotional gentleness in my mother, an occasional euphoric jolliness in my father, I could have borne more of; but always I liked in them the things they didn't want to be liked for. By the time I was eighteen, they had become mere providers, for whom I couldn't feel much else. I led two lives. At school I got a small reputation as a wartime aesthete and cynic. But I had to join the 'regiment-tradition' and 'sacrifice' press-ganged me into that. I insisted, and luckily the headmaster of my school backed me, that I wanted to go to university after the army. The author says:
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he didn't have ancestors
he had recently realized he respected his parents
he had known for a long time he didn't have the ancestors he wanted


Competenze didattiche metodologiche
Quali sono le strutture mentali che rendono possibile lo sviluppo del pensiero operatorio formale secondo Piaget?
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La maturazione della percezione cognitiva
L'insieme articolato delle capacità astrattive
Il gruppo INRC, la logica delle proposizioni
Il pensiero combinatorio
La capacità deduttiva


Scienze Motorie e Sportive
Quale di questi muscoli non fa parte dell'addome?
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il grande obliquo
il succlavio
il grande retto
il piccolo obliquo


Lingua inglese
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question or complete the sentence given below them Text 24 Have You Seen This Man? Scotland Yard requests the public's help in identifying and capturing an extremely dangerous international terrorist. The following are details of the last sighting of Frederick Brookes, alias Fergus Blaire. Last seen boarding an Intercity train bound for Dover on August 11th 1993. Final destination unknown, but south-west France is probable. The suspect is approximately six feet tall. When last sighted, he was fair-haired and wore a moustache and darkrimmed glasses. He seemed plump, and was walking with a slight limp. Brookes was wearing a dark wool coat and black trousers, and carried a brown leather briefcase. This man is wanted by police all over Europe. He supplies weapons to terrorist organizations. If you think you have seen him, please contact your nearest police station immediately. Do not approach him \ he is armed and highly dangerous. What should you do if you encounter Frederick Brookes?
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get as close to him as possible, so that you can be sure of his identity
tell him that you know who he really is
call the nearest police authorities


Competenze didattiche metodologiche
Quale noto linguista teorizza l'esistenza di una grammatica universale comune a tutti gli individui sin dalla nascita?
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Jerome Bruner.
Noam Chomsky.
Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Jean Piaget.


Scienze Motorie e Sportive
In quale delle seguenti discipline ai giochi olimpici possono gareggiare solo le donne?
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nuoto sincronizzato
ginnastica artistica


Competenze didattiche metodologiche
Quali aspetti della personalità investe la socializzazione?
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1 risposta corretta
Solo gli aspetti legati alla motivazione
Solo gli aspetti cognitivi
Solo gli aspetti affettivi
Tutti gli aspetti citati nelle altre alternative
Solo gli aspetti legati alla conoscenza
Alla ricerca di altre domande?Acquista ora

Quiz e Simulatore: A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado - sblocca tutte le domande del simulatore online

Grazie per aver scelto la versione free del Quiz A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado! Approfondisci ulteriormente le tue conoscenze con i nostri Simulatori Concorso Ordinario Scuola Secondarie 2021 2022; Sbloccando la versione completa del nostro Simulatore A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado potrai effettuare test e quiz con oltre 2240 domande sempre aggiornate e superare facilmente la tua prove d’esame. Il 98% di persone che si sono esercitate con le nostre 2240 domande hanno superato l'esame al primo tentativo.


Cosa aspettarsi dal nostro Simulatore A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado e come prepararsi a qualsiasi quiz A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado?

I Test pratici di A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado fanno parte della Banca Dati Concorso Ordinario Scuola Secondarie 2021 2022 e rappresentano il modo migliore per prepararsi a qualsiasi esame per A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado. I quiz sono composti da 2240 domande divise per 3 argomenti e sono scritti da esperti per aiutarvi e prepararvi a raggiungere l’obiettivo di superare l’esame al primo tentativo. La banca dati per A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado include domande apparse in esami precedenti e non solo, il che significa che sarete in grado di esercitarvi simulando le domande passate e future. La preparazione al Test A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado vi offrirà anche un’idea del tempo necessario per completare ogni sezione del Quiz A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado. È importante notare che il Simulatore A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado non sostituisce le classiche guide A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado di studio; tuttavia, il Simulatore fornisce indicazioni preziose su cosa aspettarsi e su quanto lavoro occorra fare per prepararsi all'esame A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado.


I Quiz A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado rappresentano quindi un ottimo strumento per prepararsi all’esame vero e proprio assieme ai nostri Quiz Concorso Ordinario Scuola Secondarie 2021 2022. I nostri test ti aiuteranno a valutare il tuo livello di preparazione e a comprendere i tuoi punti di forza e debolezza. Di seguito potrai leggere tutti i quiz che troverai nel nostro Simulatore A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado e come è composta la nostra unica Banca Dati A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado fatta di domande vere e reali:

Info quiz:

  • Nome del quiz:A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado
  • Numero totale di domande:2240
  • Numero di domande per il test:50
  • Punteggio di superamento:60%
  • Numero di argomenti:3 argomenti
Argomenti di studio:Numero di domande:
  • Competenze didattiche metodologiche:1084 domande
  • Lingua inglese:437 domande
  • Scienze Motorie e Sportive:719 domande

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L’applicazione mobile contiene tutte i Quiz A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado per un totale di 2240 domande divisi per 3 argomenti e fornirà il materiale di studio per superare l’esame finale con un successo garantito. Le nostre Banche Dati A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado contengono centinaia di domande relative all'Esame A-48 Scienze Motorie e Sportive degli istituti di istruzione secondaria di II grado e ai Test Concorso Ordinario Scuola Secondarie 2021 2022. In questo modo sarà possibile esercitarsi quando e dove volete anche in modalità offline.